The general objective of the study is to analyze the effect of deficit financing on Nigeria’s economic growth. Secondary data emanated from the publication of the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, vol. 26, 2015 was utilized. The data collected spanned from the year 1981-2015. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test, Johanson Co-integration test and Error Correction Model (ECM) were employed for the analysis and the finding shows that the all the variables were integrated of order 1(2) long-run relationship existed among them. The study therefore concluded that long run equilibrium relationships exist between dependent and independent variables. The research findings revealed that deficit financing through External debt borrowing has a significant negative effect on Nigeria’s economic growth. Also Domestic debt has a positive significant effect on Nigeria’s economic growth, while Debt service has no significant effect on Nigeria’s economic growth. The study therefore, recommends that Government should setup monitoring teams that will make sure that the budget is well and carefully implemented and as well as loan borrowed in other to reduce corruption and wastage.
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